Proyectos de Investigación

2024-2028: The influence of small mammal’s gut microbiota on individual specialization, and its consequences for network stability in a semi-desert ecosystem.FONDECYT Regular 1240805, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Principal Investigator. 

2024-2028: Pesticides and Dehydration, a Double Threat: Quantifying Susceptibility and Adaptive Responses to Combined Environmental Stressors in Passerine Birds. FONDECYT Regular 1241249, Universidad de Chile. Co-Investigator.

2023: Long-term effects of climate change on niche partitioning in red knots. Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research. Co-Investigator.

2023–2027: Ecological factors that determine the incidence, magnitude, and consequence of individual diet specialization in a marine top predator along the Chilean coast. FONDECYT Regular 1231058, Universidad de Valparaiso. Co-Investigator.

2020–2030: LTREB: Experimental determination of trophic dynamics and energy flow in a semiarid habitat in Chile”. National Science Foundation 2026294, DEB–Population and Community Ecology. International research collaborator. 

2020–2024: Ecological opportunity and levels of individual diet specialization in a broadly distributed bird: the role of animal personalities and physiological flexibility. FONDECYT regular 1200513, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Principal Investigator.

2020–2024: Fray Jorge Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) in a thorn scrub semiarid ecosystem in north-central Chile: Diet shifts and niche partitioning of five small mammals in response to extreme climatic variability. FONDECYT regular 1201637, Universidad de La Serena. Co-investigator.

2020–2024: The cost of hydration: physiological and environmental determinants of producing metabolic water in passerines along an aridity gradient in a coastal desert. FONDECYT regular 1200386, Universidad de Chile. Co-investigator.

2018–2023: Sevilleta LTER – climate variability and dryland ecotones. National Science Foundation (NSF) 1655499, University of New Mexico. Research Scientist. 

2019–2021: Phenological synchrony and symbioses: assessing climate change impacts on plant-insect interactions in the Atacama Desert of Chile. David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University and Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Collaborative Research Grant. Principal Investigator.

2019: Seasonal and latitudinal variation in ecological opportunity: implications for levels of individual diet specialization in natural populations. Programa de Apoyo a la Investigación Individual (UAI), Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Principal Investigator.

2015–2019: Does physiological tolerance constraints phenotypic flexibility in endotherms?: An experimental study in two populations of the chilean rodent, Phyllotis darwini. FONDECYT regular 1151343, Universidad de Chile. Principal Investigator.

2019: Seasonal and latitudinal variation in ecological opportunity: implications for levels of individual diet specialization in natural populations. Programa de Apoyo a la Investigación Individual (UAI), Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Principal Investigator.

2011-2014: Testing the hypothesis of niche variation in Rufous-collared sparrow populations: The role of functional trade-offs and phenotypic flexibility. FONDECYT postdoctoral 3120229. Principal Investigator.

2010-2011: The ecology of Burrowing Parrot (Cyanoliseus patagonus bloxami) a Chilean threatened psittacidae species. MECESUP ULS0703, Universidad de La Serena. Principal Investigator.

2005-2008: Water and Energy Economics of Small Birds: Phenotypic Variation and Physiological Flexibility in Zonotrichia capensis Along a Latitudinal Gradient. FONDECYT Regular 1050196, University of Chile. Collaborator.

2005: Effect of Acclimatization on Basal Metabolic Rate and Evaporative Water Loss in Different Populations of Zonotrichia capensis (Passeriforme: Emberizidae). FONDECYT Regular 1050196, University of Chile. Collaborator.

2004: Comparative Analysis of the Functional Morphology of the Medullary Cone in Three Species of Birds of the Cinclodes Genus (Passeriformes: Furnaridae). FONDECYT Regular 1010647, University of Chile. Collaborator.

2004: Ecological-Evolutionary Context of Learning: Foraging Time and Dietary Preference in Two Populations of Octodon degus (Rodentia: Octodentidae). FONDECYT Regular 1020550, University of Chile. Collaborator.

2004: Total Osmotic Load and Salt Concentration in the Stomach Contents of Marine Passerines. Faculty of Sciences, University of Chile. FONDECYT Regular 1010647, University of Chile.Collaborator.

2003: Impact of the Lizard Liolaemus (Tropiduridae) on the Visit Rate of Pollinator Insects in the Andean Shrub Chuquiraga oppositifolia. FONDECYT Regular 201003, University of Chile. Collaborator.

2002: Osmoregulation in Birds and Uricotelism: Habitat Effect in Cinclodes (Passeriformes: Furnaridae). FONDECYT Regular 1010647, University of Chile. Collaborator.

2002: Interspecific Variation in Renal Structure in Cinclodes (Passeriformes: Furnaridae). University of Chile, FONDECYT Regular 1010647. Collaborator.